Tuesday, August 31, 2004

i guess i never thought of 11 as middle aged

it's funny--when my dad dropped me off at college, he was your typical sad, "my daughter is all grown up," dad... but a year or so later he admitted that when he dropped me off at the time, he thought he would fit in again, that it would be like going back. it was that moment that he realized, he can never go back.

even funnier is that my dad was 51 at this time, yet i am only 22 and already beginning to see what he means. freshman just seem so young now, so small. you can see in their eyes that this campus is still a mystery. meanwhile, i have it pretty much figured out. i've done everything they're about to do... i don't know. suddenly, you really don't fit in anymore.

don't get me wrong -- i'm happy about being here this last semester. it's already off to a great start. i just think that it's strange that there exists somewhere in the world where, 22 is actually old. elderly even, in a way.

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