Thursday, August 05, 2004

appreciating the ordinary

ever have those moments when you're just sitting there doing ordinary things and you just have a minute of appreciation where you think -- wow this is really great... and you just take it all in and feel good about where you are and what you are doing and find purpose in being?

i have them once in awhile i guess. watching the fireworks is what brought this all on because i'm sitting underneath them with my family, and the show in naperville is put to music so everything is in sync, making it all the more meaningful, and i just felt really good for a minute -- not just proud to be in america, but appreciative of everything i am so fortunate to have in my life. it sounds weird that such a strong series of feelings could have been brought forth by something so simple and traditional but i just got to thinking about things and just surrounded by happiness, especially since we're back home now. last year was the first year in i don't even know how long that we didn't do the traditional 4th of july stuff, and my mom was just saying she remembers walking away from the fireworks last year and being sad because she wasn't in naperville.. so i guess that made it all the more important. we're back home where we belong.

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