Thursday, August 05, 2004

dance like nobody's watching

cliches and why i hate them
i get sick of all the cliched corny quotes about friendship among other cliches but i'll stick with this example --you know the ones-- you've seen them in chain letter emails since the internet became cool, you see them in 8th grade yearbooks in 6 point font, and instant messager profiles, engraved across the bottom of picture frames, accompanying a black and white photograph of a two 5-year-old girls on the beach on a poster... they have meaning behind them and whatnot, but i think that's all lost in the constant repition of them. it comes to be that we don't even read these things anymore but rather skim them the way you were taught in your senior-year elective speed reading class... because they are so familiar. and so doesn't meaning get lost in all that? i mean when you read the words, "Make new friends" do you really have to read what comes next -- or do yous sort of skip to "gold," and then, after that, are you thinking about the meaning behind that phrase or are you mentally humming the girl scouts theme song?

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