Monday, October 11, 2004

thinkin' bout people

ever think about the people that you know--and i guess how many of them you actually know? it's weird if you sit down and honestly analyze your relationships with people, the relationship you have with them, as is, no sugar coating...

and i guess my conclusion upon doing that is that there are a lot of good people that i know, but i don't know how many of them are my friends - does that make sense?

i mean how many people do i know because i lived by them, or that i had a class with, that i run into at the bars, see on campus, see at family parties, maybe people that i've known forever but maybe... i don't know anymore? friends of a friend--call it what you will but the truth is when it comes down to it, there are a handful of people i guess i can actually trust one-hundred percent of the time.

kind of a downer, i know. but i guess i don't see any harm in being honest with yourself i mean, isn't that the way it is?

it's like i've surrounded myself with this group of people that for some reason or another i know, and maybe know some things about even, but like in the overall scheme of life a lot are just more people, just more names and in the end, the only thing constant...

is that i have myself.

1 comment:

the bad kitty said...

i'm surrounded by no one, feeling entirely alone, recently dumped and i'm hating myself more than ever. why do you hate yourself? i don't like that. i like you a lot and i'm like never wrong........about anything. please elaborate.......