Wednesday, July 20, 2005

on being humble

every once in awhile i read back on things i wrote awhile ago, because it's interesting, i change the way i feel obviously so it's kinda fun to look back at myself, so to speak. but anyways, as i was looking back today i realized how i never capitalize least i try not to on here. and the reason for that is that awhile back i knew someone who would always sign emails with a lowercase letter. "amy" for example. and i always liked it because its so humble. there's something i like about not seeing "I," just having it blend in with the rest of the letters you know... it's not so forceful. it's not so "i'm right." it's humble, and simple, and for those reasons... i think it's great.

but i get caught sometimes between being a humble writer and a person with an english degree and in that place is where you'll find me capitalizing things and punctuating like crazy. but really, this is me. ha. maybe i went on too long about that. i don't know, i just really loved the simplicity of seeing someone write an entire email perfectly punctuated and capitalized and then just sigining it like -amy.

news: my parents bought a new house and we're going home. i'm so happy. it's not my old house, but it's what i know... and i'll have more room to be 23. it will be a great stepping stone until i move out, and i couldn't be happier for my parents. i heard them the other day say, "we're going home," and it just about broke my heart out of happiness. they've been through a lot these past few years, it's really rewarding to see them comfortable again. or at least, getting comfortable. they definitely deserve it.

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